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User's guide

For more information or in case of technical difficulties, contact *Tracy Merlin - tracy.merlin at adelaide.edu.au or *Joanne Milverton - joanne.milverton at adelaide.edu.au

1. What is the HTA Glossary?

The purpose of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Glossary is to provide a common vocabulary for those who develop and use technology assessments. The HTA Glossary is the result of close collaboration between the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA), Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) and other partners.The HTA Glossary website was designed as a wiki site to encourage interactions between members of the editorial committees for the various languages.
The project was completed using Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

2. What sources were used to build the HTA Glossary?

The HTA Glossary was initially based on the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Glossary developed by the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA).The editorial committee for each language is responsible for translating the terms. Each editorial committee is comprised of a variety of specialists from the fields covered by the glossary, including technology assessment experts, economists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, ethicists, sociologists, and language specialists. View the About us section.

3. How are new terms selected?

In the interest of continuously improving the glossary, registered users can suggest terms to be added. Suggestions are assessed by the English Editorial Board, which consults with the other editorial committees before deciding whether or not to include a term. If a new term is added, it will be translated into the other languages of the glossary.

4. How can I find a term in the glossary?

There are many ways to find a term in the glossary.
(A) Use the search engine,
(B) Click on the first letter of the term,
(C) Scroll through the list of all terms, or
(D) View a list of terms by field.


5. How can I view a term in another language?

Once a term is selected, a drop-down menu appears below the definition, providing access to the term in the other available languages.


6. How can I register on the HTA Glossary site?

Registration on the HTA Glossary site is easy and free.
Go on the Contact us page and send a short email mentionning your interest in getting an access code. Your request will be processed quickly and you will receive an email with your username and temporary password.

7. What are the advantages of being a registered user?

Registration on the HTA Glossary site allows users to:
• See what changes have been made to the glossary since their last visit.
• Monitor a definition or a page by clicking on the "eye" icon. You will receive an email when changes are made.
• Contribute to and help improve the glossary by commenting on definitions.
• Suggest terms for the editorial committees to add to the glossary.
• Share information.
• Submit comments and suggestions.
• View the history of changes.

Information received this way will be discussed at future editorial committee meetings. All participants should contribute to improving the glossary.

8. What do I do if I forget my username or password?

If you forget your password, click on Login on the home page, and then I forgot my password.


Enter your username or the email address that you provided when you registered.


In a few minutes, an email will be sent to your inbox. Click on the link provided. You will be directed to a new page to reset your password.

In case you forget the email address that you provided or your username, you can also contact the webmaster using the Contact form.